Friday, January 14, 2011

What is this... I don't even...

So its been forever since I've updated this... I was going to do my own Project 365, but its already day 14, and I haven't taken pictures everyday, so I figure it shall wait til next year.  I guess I'll keep this one short and as sweet as I can muster with the mood I'm in.

By the way I hate the word muster, I have no idea why I just used it.

So for Christmas this year (well, guess it was last year by now...) Stephen was able to come home (to Kansas, shit I'm on a roll...).  It was great.  I've always loved Christmas.  Not just because of the presents, but also because I get to see my entire family in one place at one time.  My mom's side of the family has a Christmas party every year, the Saturday before, at my mom's house.  This year, A few people from my mom's side missed out due to illness, but more people from my dad's side got to come and enjoy the festivities!  And so did Stephen!  In the three Christmases (meh?) that we've shared, this is the first time he's been able to go to a Petersen Christmas party.  I'm not going to lie, this year was much more hectic than previous years.  Mom was stressed out because there were more people, and on top of that, we don't really know my dad's side of the family that well... The blame for that is spread between us all... Just a lack of communication on all parts.  No hatred, but no... speaking... Yeah.  Anyway, I had fun.  And my cousin Melissa brought the spinach dip that I wait 365 days for... I need to get that damn recipe...

So then came Christmas day.  It was hard.  Stephen's family had their "Christmas morning" in the morning, like my family does, but they didn't even ask our opinion, which pissed me off, so I got to spend Christmas night opening presents at my family's house.  I didn't like it.  It was bullshit.  So needless to say, next year, we're having Christmas morning at my family's house, and Stephen's family is going to just have to suck it.  Cause I'm pretty much done with dealing with their shit... Don't even get me started on them... But the hardest part of Christmas day was the fact that we were flying out the next day to move to Virginia.  Here.  Home here.  There was a lot of crying, and it sucked.  But what sucked even more is that the next night, after all the tears, and the first set of good byes, we got to the airport and our flights got cancelled.  So I called my parents and they picked us up and we went to dinner and home.  So we got another two days in Wichita with my family.  So that was nice, but it sucks because I wish we would have known beforehand that way 1.  That entire afternoon wouldn't have been wasted in the air port, and 2.  I wouldn't have bawled my eyes out on my favorite holiday evar.  But we are in Virginia, he is going back to work, and everything is ok.  Looking for a job, but not really at the same time...  Trying to get the apartment organized and everything put away.  Hopefully this is done soon, and I find a job soon, because I can definitely use the extra money!  And good news, Stephen makes rank in just a few days!  Woot!

Something to chew on that I haven't posted yet:

Now that's a good lookin' couple. ;D

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