Monday, October 25, 2010

So... How's it goin'?

I'm new to this, obviously, because as you can see, this is my first post!  I'm learning as I go, with more things than just this website.  I decided to start it because I'm trying to win a contest, but I have a feeling this is going to be good for me... A way to vent and rant about everything that bugs me that no one cares to hear about.  lol.  But first, I shall start by introducing myself:

My name is Natalie Jo Petersen.  Very soon to be Cage.  That being said...

THAT is my future husband, and my best friend.  Please pardon the jelly-stained pants and dur-dur-dur look on his face.  His name is Stephen and he is the love of my life.  We're getting married in less than a month.  I'm so happy, but at the same time I am scared as hell.  I've never done this before!  lol.  But if I had to choose anyone to spend the rest of my life with, and to jump head first into "real life" with, it would be no one else but this guy.

I am an 18 year *young* nerd girl with essentially no life.  When I'm not in class, I'm working on planning this wedding, making bows for my online store, and/or iChatting with Stephen... Which brings me to yet another pause in the conversation...

Stephen is in the United States Navy.  He is currently stationed "away from home," and we rarely get to *be* with each other.  I can't say that we rarely get to see each other, because we do.  We're lucky enough to have the privilege of iChatting almost every night once he's off work.  Not only do I just love him because he's so darn cute, but I also respect him because he stood up to do something that a lot of people don't do.  He joined the military, leaving behind his girlfriend, *hmmpf* his family, and the only place he's ever called home.  But this was so he could make a better life for not only him, and not only me, but the children that we will hopefully bring into this world (Not NOW, just at some point).

One of my main pet peeves is when people complain to me about missing their boyfriend/girlfriend when they live in the same town or see them everyday.  Most people will never understand how much it hurts to not be able to see your significant other for long periods of time, and honestly, I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy... Ok wait, nevermind, I probably would... lol.  ;D

I am currently attending a local community college, in hopes of getting some type of degree for some job in the medical field.  This is what college officials like to call "Undecided," apparently.  Ever since I remember, I've wanted to be a doctor.  But I honestly doubt that will happen.  I just don't think I'll be able to afford the schooling.  I'm a CNA right now, and I will probably go to Nursing School, but I don't know.  I'm moving soon, and I'll probably take one semester or a year off of college until I can get my feet on the ground and decide what I really want to do.

My favorite show ever is The Nanny.  lol.  I also love shows like Criminal Minds and The Mentalist.  But The Nanny beats all.  I'm actually watching it right now! :O

I love babies and animals.  I'm partial to dogs.  I have two of my own.  Molly and Tubby (who is not so tubby anymore).  I also have a damn evil cat that my dad named George.  By the way, George is a girl cat.  Not a guy cat.
See?  She's evil!

Anyway, moving on.  lol.  Well there's not much else that I can think of to say about myself.  I don't like talking about myself.  But if there's anything else, I'll let you know!  I plan on making something out of this blog... This is just the beginning of a brand new chapter of my life.  A whole new journey in front of me.  And I can't wait to start.  : ]

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